German Design Award 2023, Winner
Rat für Formgebung, Frankfurt am Main
MCD as a winner of the German Design Award 2023!
Our project Solego 2.0 was awarded for its outstanding design achievement in the field of »Excellent Product Design«!
The premier award of the German Design Council
The German Design Awards are the premium award of the German Design Council. With its worldwide spectrum and international appeal, it is one of the most prestigious awards in the design landscape across all industries.
Since 2012, the German Design Awards have been identifying significant design trends, presenting them to a broad public and honouring them. Every year, extraordinary submissions in product design, communication design and architecture are honoured.
The Initiator
The German Design Council has operated as one of the world’s leading centres of expertise in communication and knowledge transfer within design, branding and innovation since 1953. It is part of the worldwide design community and has always contributed to the establishment of global exchange and networking thanks to its international offering, promotion of new talent and memberships.
With events, conventions, awards, jury sessions and expert committees, the Council connects its members and numerous other international design and branding experts, fosters discourse and provides important stimulation for the global economy. More than 350 businesses currently count among its members.

About Solego 2.0
Especially in rural Africa, many people and their businesses are cut off from the energy grid. When electricity is needed, many resort to environmentally harmful diesel generators. »Solego« is the smart alternative. The modular solar system from Solarworx uses what is available in abundance: sunlight. This feeds the batteries, which supply numerous devices with green energy.
The jury justified its decision as follows:
»The smart, modular Solego 2.0-powerbank from Solarworx is based on a sustainable design approach and offers a much more ecological alternative to electricity from fossil-fuelled generators, especially in hot regions.«