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Mehnert Corporate Design GmbH & Co.KG
+49 30 6111199

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Wilo SE, Dortmund

Wilo-Geniax is a decen­tralized heating pump system which saves heating costs through energy effi­ciency. Operating units can be used to set tem­pera­ture and time profiles individually.

The entire product family is based on a consistent corporate design, which creates a high recognition value through its clear design. Material and form are designed to meet all re­quire­ments, both in the public and private space.

This picture shows a Geniax module installed on a heater.
This picture shows the closed cable drum of the Geniax series, whose innovative handling has been patented.
This picture shows three different ways to remove the covers of the Geniax modules for the installation.
This picture shows the Geniax control unit with a preview of different screens of the interface.
This picture shows two different operating units from the Geniax series.