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Purpo - Mobiles Bidet
Satisfakt GmbH, Berlin

»Purpo« is an innovative hygiene product that offers a sustainable alternative to toilet paper and also helps with medical problems such as hemor­rhoids. Thanks to its unique closure mechanism, it is compact and safe to trans­port even when filled, without having any appear­ance of a mobile bidet. Its under­stated appearance and user-friendly design help overcome stigmas and promote openness to alternative solutions for a familiar everyday action.

To improve the sustainability of daily life, it is important to be open to alternative and more sustainable solutions. Using »Purpo« not only uses less toilet paper, but also cleans the sensitive genital area in a gentle and skin-friendly way.

However, despite obvious benefits, the introduction of such solutions is often challenging as they need to be accepted by a broad section of the population. »Purpo's« understated design reduces any hurdles, going beyond pure functionality and addressing social stigmas associated with the toilet routine.

Mobile bidet Purpo in use with splashing water.
Mobile bidet in two versions: open and closed state.
Mobile bidet in two versions: light and dark variant with accessories (towel, toilet paper).
Explanatory view from opening to unscrewing to the finished state of the mobile bidet.
Pink mobile bidet Purpo with additional items such as lipstick, headphones or bag.
Pink mobile bidet Purpo in the sports bag.
brown mobile bidet Purpo in your pocket.
gray mobile bidet Purpo as accessories on the plane.
Five color variants of mobile bidet Purpo: gray, red, green, black and yellow.

»Purpo« consists of four parts - the bowl, the nozzle and the cap including the cap holder - and is both easy to manu­facture and assemble. Each part and function of the mobile bidet is clearly identified by shape, choice of materials and color. The soft body guaran­tees easy handling, slipping with wet hands is prevented by roughened surfaces. The direction of use is indicated by a notch on one side even when the curved spout is not visible during use.

The cap is attached to the bottle to prevent loss, and the nozzle can be stored inside the bottle. This makes »Purpo« as compact as possible and the remaining water stays in the bottle. Unlike other mobile bidets, this innovative closure mechanism means that »Purpo« is not bulky when unused, any remaining water is easy to handle, and pre-filling the mobile bidet also becomes possible.