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Mehnert Corporate Design GmbH & Co.KG
+49 30 6111199

Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin

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Corporate Product Design Guideline
Wilo SE, Dortmund

Since 1999 MCD works as lead agency for Wilo SE. With the Stratos, a com­pletely new generation of pumps was designed that set standards in per­for­mance, ergo­nomics and design. Since then, around 5000 products have been adapted to this new product and service philo­sophy. As part of this, we were com­mis­sioned in 2002 to develop a new Corporate Product Design Guide­line for all existing and future products!

In this picture Wilo Corporate Design Guideline can be seen as a stacked brochure.